Suerre Caribbean Beach

  • Hotel
  • 3 Estrellas

Frente A Punta Uva S/N, 84703 Tortuguero


Características del establecimiento: Built in 1996, this hotel consists of a total of 40 rooms. A bar, a pub and an air-conditioned à la carte restaurant are to be found in the hotel. Those arriving by car may make use of the car park or garage. The ...


¿Cuándo quieres alojarte en Suerre Caribbean Beach?

Descripción general

Características del establecimiento:
Built in 1996, this hotel consists of a total of 40 rooms. A bar, a pub and an air-conditioned à la carte restaurant are to be found in the hotel. Those arriving by car may make use of the car park or garage. The room and laundry services round off this hotel's offerings.

Información adicional






  • Aparcamiento

    • Parking de pago
  • Generales

    • Bar
  • Medios de comunicación/tecnología

    • Aire acondicionado
  • Servicios

    • Servicio de lavandería