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J Resort Alidhoo

  • Complejo Vacacional
  • 4 Estrellas

HAA ALIFU ATOLL, 02009 Haa Alifu Atoll


4.0 sobre 5

Basado en 202 comentarios

  • Ubicación

    3.5 sobre 5
  • Calidad/Precio

    3.5 sobre 5
  • Habitaciones

    4.5 sobre 5
  • Limpieza

    4.0 sobre 5
  • Servicios

    4.0 sobre 5
  • Calidad del sueño

    4.0 sobre 5


Se trata de un complejo de playa, construido en 2007, que consta de 98 chalés elegantemente diseñados y una suntuosa selección de restaurantes. Es el arquetipo de servicio personalizado, así como un refugio apartado, bañado por las aguas cristalinas ...


¿Cuándo quieres alojarte en J Resort Alidhoo?

Descripción general

Se trata de un complejo de playa, construido en 2007, que consta de 98 chalés elegantemente diseñados y una suntuosa selección de restaurantes. Es el arquetipo de servicio personalizado, así como un refugio apartado, bañado por las aguas cristalinas de color turquesa de la laguna. El alojamiento consiste en bungalós construidos en armonía con su impresionante emplazamiento natural. Las instalaciones a su disposición incluyen vestíbulo, bar, restaurante e instalaciones para conferencias, así como servicio de habitaciones y lavandería.Todas las habitaciones se encuentran en chalés con vistas al mar o en las aguas del océano. Fueron especialmente diseñadas para mezclarse de forma armoniosa con su entorno. Los chalés Beach ofrecen vistas panorámicas al océano y sus interiores elegantes contienen colores fuertes, exquisitos suelos de madera y los tradicionales tejados de paja de las Maldivas. Los chalés Duplex Beach se encuentran justo frente al mar. Sus altos techos cubiertos de paja de las Maldivas permiten que fluya suavemente la refrescante brisa del mar. Los chalés Ocean son espaciosos y lujosos, construidos completamente sobre el mar. Todas las habitaciones están dotadas de cuarto de baño privado con ducha y secador de pelo, TV vía satélite/por cable, conexión a Internet, minibar, cafetera/tetera, set de plancha, aire acondicionado regulable, caja fuerte y terraza privada.

Información adicional






  • Actividades - Tiempo libre

    • Masajes
    • Mesa de ping pong
    • Piscina exterior
    • Pista de tenis
    • Spa
  • Generales

    • Restaurante
  • Servicios

    • Asistencia médica disponible
    • Centro de negocios
    • Servicio de conserjería
    • Servicio de habitaciones
    • Servicio de lavandería
    • Tiendas en el hotel

Opiniones del hotel

4.0 sobre 5

Basado en 202 comentarios

  • Ubicación

    3.5 sobre 5
  • Calidad/Precio

    3.5 sobre 5
  • Habitaciones

    4.5 sobre 5
  • Limpieza

    4.0 sobre 5
  • Servicios

    4.0 sobre 5
  • Calidad del sueño

    4.0 sobre 5

Comentarios destacados

  • lunitta

    el paraiso

    Es un hotel perdido en maldivas como todos los existentes, no conozco los demás puesto que cada hotel pertenece a una isla diferente, pero maldivas es el paraiso de las parejas sobre todo si vas de luna de miel, o parecido. Recomiendo bucear. Mi bungalow en el mar con dos plantas 4 baños, salones jacuzzi, 3 televisiones, que no encendimos la verdad, home cinema, todo lo que te puedas imaginar en medio del mar con unas visatas increibles. Eso sí por la noche un poco monótono. si vas con ganas de fiesta recomiendo que buques otros hoteles. Pero si quiere disfrutar con tu pareja en un ambiente solitario, es el mejor puedes estar todo un día sin ver a nadie mas.

    5.0 sobre 5
  • Neill L

    Friendly with excellent service

    Stayed on Alidhoo for 2 weeks. Service has been excellent with both catering staff and management falling over themselves to provide what we wanted. The dive center, run by Meridis, has been one of the best I have experienced with almost personal service and 10 magnificent but different dive sites, with mantas seen at two of them. Other reviews have commented about lack of WiFi - it works, albeit without great bandwidth. There was also comment about the presence of rats on the island - yes I have seen some and reported it to the management and have seen the steps being taken to eradicate them. Will not be done over night but should be clear shortly. The guests on the island in Nov 14 were predominantly Chinese. They come for 4 or 5 day stays. Not a lot of opportunity to communicate with them except at very basic level.

    4.0 sobre 5
  • theselleck

    If you are thinking of staying here dont!

    OMG this is by far the worst resort l have ever stayed at and l have stayed at many! Basically nothing works, nothing is maintained and the whole place is literally falling apart. The staff although they try have little to no training and can only meet your basic requirements. You think going to a tropical island there would be plenty of fresh fruit and seafood well not here! 80% of the food served comes out of a can. So how much would you pay for a very basic hamburger $25? Not here, try $50 once they add all their service charges! I could go on and on, but sure you have got enough to decide to NEVER STAY HERE!!!

    1.0 sobre 5
  • K A

    long flight to the resort,nice staff and meals.

    had to take two flights and a boat to touch the resort. looks very nice from the out set,but not in reality.not the best place to be when you have to travel such a long distance .local staff less trained,

    3.0 sobre 5
  • Hools M

    Had a great time in a lovely location

    J Allidhoo is a lovely small Island resort, it looks and is stunning. We stayed for 14 days and our stay overall experience was very positive and overall I would recommend it, especially if you just want a relaxing holiday, it is not perfect, but what is? I am a diver and the main reason for going was the diving. The diving is fantastic, very remote and great for close encounters with Mantas. There is also a chamber on the island. We stayed in a Water Villa which was stunning with two levels. His and hers massive toilet and shower room, split level accommodation, with the bedroom upstairs with an on-suite and balcony. The interior of our villa was very clean and well maintained, plenty of complementary water etc. The outside was in need of upgrading and decorating, unfortunately in the original construction they used cheaper steel nails rather that stainless and they have off-course rusted, the rust is bleeding though to the paint work which is unsightly. The construction is solid, so not dangerous, it is just cosmetic. The Jacuzzi bath which is outside is also a problem, I would say it will always be, they need replacing or removing, the reason is that they are only suitable, in my view, for inside use and not for outdoors, so the electric controls which are not fully encapsulated and weather tight have eroded to the stage that the contacts are always going to be a problem. They did try to repair them and it did work for a while, but it is futile and not worth getting them round every other day to repair, it did not spoil my experience as a Jacuzzi bath does nothing for me, but if you are going because it has a Jacuzzi bath you will be disappointed. You can fill it with cold water and use it as plunge pool to cool off. I did not get to see the beach Villas inside, but from outside some did look like they had not been used for a while with roofs that needed replacing. I would recommend a water villa. The food and beverages are good and plentiful, but go fully inclusive as things are expensive in the Maldives, the service was also very good and friendly, especially by the pool. The WIFI is free but in our water villa was very poor, basically there was one small hot spot and very slow if working at all, again for us not a major problem, to keep up with emails etc. you could go to the areas that have stronger signal, like in the reception area, or better still just switch off and relax. There is no beach to speak off, it gets eroded by the waves, there are sandy sections so you can walk along the sand, but not what you would call a beach and getting into the water from the sand is not ideal as the coral surrounds the island. Great pool, not deep but clean and service for drinks is excellent, so we stayed around the pool mostly relaxing. Not a lot of entertainment, its chilled out relax location which was good for us. The journey is long with a flight from Male and a speed boat ride to the island, it does get rough and the speed boat in our trip was not massive and was open. Luckily we were up the front end standing by the driver behind the windscreen, but some people were at the back sitting and the wave spray was soaking them all the way, they had to change on arrival at the airport as they were drenched from head to foot. It was funny to watch but probably not funny for them! It is a remote location but that for me is part of the attraction. Overall a great experience.

    4.0 sobre 5